Sunday, December 5, 2010

Special Hangers

So, I'm sure there are some of you out there that think crocheting is for old ladies or something. And honestly, some of the crocheted things I see don't really tickle my fancy. Looking at these hangers that may be exactly what you are thinking. But trust me these are amazing! My whole life My great grandma would give us these silly little hangers for birthdays or Christmas or whatever. Growing up I don't think I appreciated them as much as I do now. I was just a kid who's mom did most of the laundry. But let me tell you why these hangers are more than just something else to crochet yarn on to. They are perfect grippers! Silky shirts and slippery material stays put. If you are like me I hang up my camis. These are perfect for that too. Again, no slippage. And have you ever had to hang something to dry like a nice shirt? And when you take it off the hanger there is that really annoying imprint from the hanger? I hate that thing! But with these nifty hangers you don't get that. Now, I may be a little sentimental over them, having had them around always and them totally being attached to memories of my Great Grandma in her chair crocheting. But I also Really think they are handy. One con-You cannot hang your pants on them. Sorry. :(

Well, my GG passed away a little over a year ago and I was sad that the hangers would be gone. I mean that in a sentimental way... not like some spoiled brat who wants more hangers kind of way... blah. ANYWAY Come to find out, she taught my Grandma, and this past weekend my Grandma attempted ( for the 3rd time!) to try and teach me. Well... this time I got it!!! I totally made my first crocheted hanger! And I'm so overjoyed that I can pass this little legacy onto my children and hopefully my grandchildren and MAYBE even my great grandchildren. That's what I knew I would miss... her legacy. But she made sure to pass it down along with so many memories and love and wisdom. Thanks Great Grandma! Love ya and miss ya.

1 comment:

2Bis2DO said...

Much better Shay. I also love these hangers.And now you can show me how it is done. I probably could sit down and look at one and figure it out but now i have you...........
Great blog update.